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I wanted to try it but for some reason, when I go in a level the game closes.

The main menu and the levels section runs perfectly

Me too.


Great work!

Level editor could have some improvements and the physics aren't totally accurate to the original games, but you're going in the right path.

I'd like to suggest making the music files public so people can put in the game whatever track they like the most without much problem, but that's just a minor detail. It's up to you, although it'd be nice.

I'm looking forward more updates.


You have achieved something great

You have an audience that is very interested in this, please improve the engine and physics to make it less buggy.

You could also investigate how to make the songs loop because I feel you are using mp3 files instead of wav files so that the silent time between loops disappears.

Maybe you could make it so that the creator levels can have the camera on the back?

Although now that I think about it it would be very uncomfortable in certain levels, but it would be great to have a 3D level creator and not 2D

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When’s the updates coming?


Here is a video from a youtuber who made a special challange for this fangame, the challange is "wold it be possible to beat this 5 leves without collecting a single wompa (fruit).

The video is very funny and several plotwist are on the road. Hope all of you enjoy the video.

is there any way to customize controls? I have a PS1 Classic USB controller connected and this isn't responding to my imputs.

Hi, I really like the game, but i have a small issue. How do I move the camera in the level editor? I'm on laptop and I use the touchpad.


Wow this is amazing! The 5 standard levels are great, nice challenges and really cool level editor.

I loved the game and the level creator! But I had some overheating and performance issues with my laptop, I believe the game could be optimized.

Can you upload the soundtrack of this game to youtube please?

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Is it possible maybe to convert this into an ISO so it can be burned to be playable on PS1 console? Amazing work with this btw. Incredible. 

(2 edits)

Unfortunately no. Literally impossible for the PS1 to run this in the game's current state.

Firstly, it's a Unity game, which is written in C#, a language the PS1 cannot interpret because it didn't exist when that console was released.

Secondly, even if that weren't a problem, the lack of occlusion culling in the level design means that it would run at like 3 fps.

If you don't know what I mean by occlusion culling, look at levels in the original trilogy and how the design, whether that be scenery or the path itself, prevents you from seeing later parts of the level so that the console doesn't have to render them.


I love the game but I have some issues with it though.

No slide spin and no slide jump spin

the slipping physics are rough and in the castle level the stairs that turn into slopes are not killing me.

the 2D sections need some sort of barrier because I kept accidentally falling off while accidentally walking a little too close towards the screen

The level editor is great I love it that has to be the best thing about this game and the uka uka challenges are great too keep up the good work!

Best fan game

Pretty cool game , it's insane how accurate it's to the original games .
keep it up !

wow XD

(1 edit)

This game is awesome! I also found a server to share levels on Reddit.

The game is cool, easily one of my favorite Crash Fangame, however on the custom level editor, how do you move the camera to keep building custom level?

Hold the middle mouse button

How do I move the camera in the level editor?


Me gustó un montón la primera impresión! Hice un vídeo para que hispanohablantes puedan probar esta maravilla de juego!

Aqui también hay gameplay de este fangame para hispanohablantes muy bueno.

(Aclaro que no puse este gameplay para remplazar el tuyo o menospresiarlo, mas bien para compartir más contenido de esta joyita).

¿Alguien sabe como activar la cámara en el editor? ósea, para ver todo o expandir el mapa? No se como hacerlo, solo me deja alejar y acercar.

Con el botón del centro puedes controlar la cámara

Cual boton del centro? Jajaja 

Con el del mouse con la ruedita

nunca tube la oportunidad de jugar un mario maker o super mario flash pero isieron lo inposible crear un crash maker que mas se puede pedir yo ise uno lo que falta es una forma de copartir los niveles


Does it works with a controller? or just with keyboard atm?

Played it with an Xbox controller. Worked fine.

Does any one know if PS5 controllers work? By boyfriend has one. Might borrow if it works.

Hi! Thanks for spending the time to make this! I recently made a game inspired by crash as well, I think it might be something up your alley! Anyways, keep up the good work!

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Increible, tremendo trabajo. Sigan así, esto da para MAS! <3

Si podemos contribuir en lo que sea no duden en pedirlo!

pues si es verdad UWU XD

Very Amazing Good Works 👍

My Video for French Public ( En Français )

Amazing work! As a crash fan since my childhood I'm overwhelmed with happiness, that this exist, even if it only for a few levels (this honestly should be a whole game).

Question: is it possible to get a iso file of this game so I can play it on my modded playstation?

Oh God this is perfect! Thank you so much for your job.

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Can we get a Mac port, Apple silicon. With Unity it should be literally free. Please.

Hi, the game is keep crashing when I enter a level

The same thing is happening to me.  This seems cool but it crashes upon entering a level.  Appreciate the hard work!


It's possible to do a ppal donation Gembit? :P


This is so much fun. Really liked that flashback tapes were implemented from Crash 4: It's About Time.


Better than Toys for Bob new bullshit game


Awesome job :D
I'm expecting for new levels

Thank you so much!

Hey! bro, I'm so excited with everything you're accomplishing! I look forward to a soon version.

In the meantime, is there a way in which we can contribute to keep the project going?

Greetings from Arg <3

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The controls in this little game are some of the most fluid and satisfying I've ever played! Keep up the good work


I can't seem to pan around when editing levels, and I have no clue how to implement trigger crates at all.

Press scroll and move your mouse

Thanks! There any plans to update the game to link trigger crates in the future?

For a 1 month project this is really impressive! The gameplay needs a lot of work to feel really good (coyote time would make so many jump fell so much better) but for what it is it's pretty good. 

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